REGIÓN: 6 - Long Island
Nombre de la candidatura DSP: Antoinette King
Puesto: Asistente de apoyo directo
Años de servicio: 17
Antoinette King dice que la parte favorita de ser profesional de apoyo directo es "hacer sonreír a la gente a diario".
"Antoinette King ha superado muchas tormentas invernales y una pandemia, y ha antepuesto al personal y a las personas a las que atendemos a sus propias necesidades", dice Thelma Owens, jefa del equipo de tratamiento y supervisora de Antoinette.
“A person who lives in the home where Antoinette works used to visit with her mother, monthly when she lived in New York State,” says Owens. “Although they would communicate over the telephone, they were longing for a warm hug from one another. But due to the pandemic and the mother aging, mother and child had not seen each other for three years.
“Antoinette knew of the bond that this mother and child had and wanted to help them reunite,” Owens continues. “She reached out to OPWDD administration and volunteered to travel with the person to see her mother, with no intention of being reimbursed by the agency.
"Ha preservado los lazos y vínculos familiares, ha ayudado a cumplir el sueño de esta persona de volver a ver a mamá antes de que su salud se deteriore", dice Owens. "Antoinette dio a esta persona un sentido de independencia y un sentimiento de orgullo al ayudarla a viajar con su madre. Antoinette utilizó sus propios fondos y, sobre todo, reforzó ese vínculo madre-hijo que se estaba viendo afectado por la distancia y el tiempo", añade Owns.
“There is nothing Antoinette King would not do to help enrich the lives of the people who reside in that home,” concludes Annette Jamison, Developmental Assistant II.